The 15 minute beauty nap you desperately need
Everyone has heard the joke “she needs her beauty rest” or “yikes you could use some beauty sleep”. These sayings normally refer to...
We Cut the Ribbon at Our New Home!
THANK YOU to all who came out to support us in officially cutting the ribbon at our new home on Alamo and Marshall in Vacaville.
Shannon's Wicked Scrubs // INTERVIEW
Shannon Wanlin is giving her dreams a shot with what her husband affectionately has named: Shannon’s Wicked Scrubs--all-natural scrubs.
Getting Cozy with Heat Therapy
Getting cozy with heat and light therapies for pain relief, cellulite reduction, relaxation, weight loss and MORE. There are a few sweet way
Four Slim + Trim Tricks We Have Up Our Sleeve
We’re losing the “bikini beach body” motivation to get and stay trim. Thankfully, we are making the effort to stay slim all year long loads