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Staying Grounded + Grateful

What a year it’s been, right? Though around this time of year, people often will sugar-coat and try hard to pretend that the year has been all peaches and cream—that their family dinners won’t have hot topic subjects everyone tries not to bring up, that politics and riots and global violence isn’t on their mind, and that they feel fulfilled in their careers and homes.

Thankfully, a posture of gratefulness is not contingent on your circumstances, but on your perspective.

Everything doesn’t have to be in place, your life on track, everyone in your life happy, and your eyebrows done for you to be grateful. Rather, even amidst the reality of stress that surrounds us, we need only to take a moment to ponder the thousands of reasons around us to be thankful.

Let’s land in that place together, today.

We asked our staff for five unique things they are grateful for.

Browse them for inspiration and share with a friend when you find one you relate to and add your own in the comments:

  1. Eyelash extensions

  2. Green lights when I’m running late

  3. Friendships I make at work

  4. When someone holds the door open when my hands are full!

  5. Sushi

  6. Karaoke Nights

  7. Smartphones

  8. Iced Salted Caramel Mochas from Starbucks…yum

  9. Faith in God

  10. Country music

  11. Coffee, DUH

  12. Early morning rain

  13. The smell of my mom’s perfume

  14. The memories that stick

  15. The way my son hugs me when I’m hurt

  16. Just being me!

  17. Memes

  18. The impulse section at Target

  19. Facebook birthday reminders

  20. Bad, gas station coffee on long road trips

  21. Post-it notes

  22. The smell of Christmas candles

  23. Waking up in a quiet home and brewing coffee

  24. Funny, viral videos

  25. Captions on movies

  26. Succulents

  27. When you get out of a speeding ticket

  28. Love stories

  29. The reclining seats at Brenden Theater

  30. Pumpkin scented candles

What are you uniquely thankful for? Share in the comments!


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