The Gym Rat's Game Changer
The proof is in the science. What makes Red Light Therapy is its wavelength’s ability to stimulate the production of high-energy molecule ca

What is the Sun Kissed Club?
A subscription-based and cost-effective way to partake in some of your favorite services with tons of perks, goodies, and get-together's

Eyelash Extensions are Here!
Safe, well-applied adhesive extensions can enhance your natural eyelashes and cut your makeup routine in half!
Book online now before appoin

For the Busy Mama with Baggy Under Eyes
Red Light has been proven to not only aid plant growth, but positively affect the human cell as well with its ability to stimulate the produ

Brag with some Bottoms Up swag when you come anytime Saturday, July 15th where we’ll have a bounty bin full of freebies for your picking in

Three Lies of the Oompa Loompa Complex We Can Debunk Today
An Oompa Loompa complex has wreaked havoc on the tanning industry, spreading unsolicited misconceptions that keep so many from the glow of h

Warning: There Could Be Imposters in our Midst
I can’t remember a time when Amazon Prime wasn’t my main source of finding what I need. Clicking Add to Cart, Check Out, Place Order, and...

Sucker Punch Psoriasis
Here are 4 punches you can throw for yourself or throw for a friend who suffers from psoriasis...

Chug! Chug! Chug! 8 Ways to Drink More Water this Summer
Water is something our body desperately needs, all day, every day, in large volumes. The benefits of drinking lots of water are...

Bikini Waxing...You're Doing It Wrong
Well, this is awkward. It’s time again when we have to be a little more mindful about our personal southern hemisphere. Cute little...