Keep that Summer Bod Going all year long!
Once the weather starts cooling down it could be easy to lose that motivation to keep your body in bikini body shape. From the shorter...

What Can't the Wellness Pod Do!
We have been fortunate enough to have our wellness pod for a few months now and every day more and more of our clients are falling in...

Things are heating up! Save your Skin
This Summer we have seen massive heat waves like never before! We may love the heat, but it is no friend to our skin and if we do not...

You Are beautiful in your own skin, care for it!
Did you know that the entire month of June is Beautiful in Your Own Skin Month? So, what does this mean you might wonder. This entire...

The Best Tan is A Safe TAN! Safe Tanning Tips!
In honor of Safe Sun week this month we wanted to remind everyone that while we love a good tan, practicing safe tanning tips is a must!...

Exciting News at Bottoms Up!
We are getting something new! We heard you and we listened! At Bottoms Up we pride ourselves on providing the absolute best to our local...

Spring into Summer ☀️
One thing that can’t be argued is that Solano County summers are gnarly! It starts heating up around here early and we want to help you...

How to Spend Valentine’s/ Superbowl Weekend!
This is truly once in a lifetime phenomenon that the Superbowl would land on Valentine’s Day Weekend. While the guys might be excited...

Every year we all make new resolutions and by March most of us have completely forgotten about them. Don't let that be you and make 2022...

Black Friday Specials!!!
Black Friday is almost here and so are some of the BEST deals of the year!! We ARE SO EXCITED. Are you thinking about participating? Get...